Bulletin board

Russion ATO certification

Recently, a Russian training center reached out to the Netherlands NDT Board.


The training center was approved by the German board BDLI as an supplier of NDT personnel training in accordance to EN 4179. The German Board decided to stop the practice with approval of foreign organizations, so the Russian training center applied for approval by the NANDTB.


The IL&T responded positive to this request, as long as the NANDTB's admission and enforcement procedure are followed. As we speak, we are in the midst of the process to certify the Russian training center as an ATO.

NDT Level 2/3 Expert Day 2018

On 13th November 2018 the Netherlands Aerospace NDT-board (NANDT) organized a well-visited NDT level II/III Expert day with almost 70 participants.

This year’s focus was on “the future of Aerospace”. During lunch the participants could visit the market place to meet NDT-suppliers and -manufacturers showing the latest novelties.
The program consisted of six lectures:
• "Human factors in surface NDE, physiological aspects & visual ergonomics" by Mr. Jaap van der Lei, senior engineer, level 3 at Line Services
“Certification of NDT-personnel in the Aerospace Industry and the roll that the NANDT fulfills and or can fulfill” by Pieter Troost, Senior NDT Manager Tiat Europe bv
“Implementation Specific Safety Guide-11/New BS radiation safety 2018” by Mr. André Elling, NDT Engineer Tiat Europe bv
Innovation in the field of ultrasonic 3d camera’s” by Thomas Berg de Jose, Sales Director at Dolphitech
“3D Metal Printing and the challenges it creates for Non-Destructive Testing in Aerospace” by Rob van Loon, Additive Manufacturing Specialist at KMWE.

The meeting was concluded with a network drink.

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