Certified ATO's

Are you looking for an Approved Training Organization for personnel training in non-destructive testing? The following organizations have been certified by the Netherlands Aerospace NDT Board.


TiaT europe B.V. (The Netherlands) *

*Category A (Dutch language in the Netherlands and Belgium)


Here you can find the list of methods and levels for which the organizations are certified, the issue date of the certification and the date until which the certification is valid.


Company name Method Level Issue date Valid until
Tiat Europe PT Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029
  MT Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029
  ET Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029
  UT Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029
  RT Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029
  IRT Level 1, 2 29-02-2024 29-02-2029


If you want your organization to become an ATO, please go to our page Downloads for more information.

The NANDTB-NL, per effective date of December 9th 2020, will follow the guidelines given by EASA and the European Forum of NDT as to not approve, recognize or certify individuals or Approved Training Organizations (ATO) for NDT from other countries (outside BENELUX) or non-member states (non-EU). Approvals within Benelux can be given with prior consent of CAA-NL.

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