Ndt Expert Day 2009

On November 18th 2009, the Netherlands Aerospace NDT Board held their second Expert Day in Amstelveen. This day turned out to be a major success, since an audience (of more than 60 interested individuals) was present from a diversity of organizations from The Netherlands and Belgium. Amongst those the Dutch Civil Aviation Authorities, Part-21 Design and Production organizations, Part-145 Maintenance Organizations, Research & Development, and Royal Netherlands Air Force.


The day started off with a presentation by the NANDT Board regarding their status, procedures, and the EASA Regulations. Next a few interesting presentations on new techniques with respect to Ultrasonic- and Eddy Current Phased Array and Digital Radiography were presented by Olympus Nederland and General Electric Sensing and Inspection.

The afternoon was dedicated to a lecture on NDT in Maintenance by TiaT Europe, NDT on Airbus 380 Glare by Stork AESP, and Structural Health Monitoring by the NLR.

I would like to thank all involved in organizing and participating for making this day a major success.

Martin Machielse

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